Open Discussion AA Meetings Water Down The AA Message!! (100 votes)Loading... Tagged With: a few simple rules Big Book citations Concerns with Higher Power/God entertaining stories funny how it works inspiring one primary purpose powerless/unmanageable spiritual experience the Big Book message the solution Dec 14, 2015
Our Stories are Different – But Feelings at the Bottom are the Same (22 votes)Loading... Tagged With: craving/allergy of the body depression hope mental obsession one primary purpose open-minded and willing real alcoholic vs. heavy drinker relapse relief from obsession to drink spiritual experience step 4 Step 5 the solution window of opportunity Nov 2, 2015
Letting Go of Old Ideas, Spirituality, and Primary Purpose – 2006 (16 votes)Loading... Tagged With: Higher Power/Spirituality/God old stories one primary purpose Oct 26, 2015
Dr Bob S 1949 , Story of His 1st 14 Years in AA (5 votes)Loading... Tagged With: 4 Absolutes humility one primary purpose service tolerance Feb 23, 2015
Tape Summaries/Comments