Robin R., Musician and Psychotherapist at Sober Cafe – 2009 (11 votes)Loading... Tagged With: alcoholic family history Higher Power/Spirituality/God moment of clarity shame & guilt spiritual experience transformation Nov 13, 2015
Sheila A. Norman OK. at Kansas City , KS. 1993 (4 votes)Loading... Tagged With: despair double-winner family history freedom hope moment of clarity newcomers Nov 5, 2015
Fr. Bill W , South Bay Roundup , Torrance CA. 8-88 (4 votes)Loading... Tagged With: Concerns with Higher Power/God Higher Power/Spirituality/God moment of clarity spiritual experience Oct 27, 2015
Fr. Bill W. at La Jolla, CA. – 1988 (8 votes)Loading... Tagged With: Concerns with Higher Power/God Higher Power/Spirituality/God moment of clarity spiritual experience Oct 27, 2015
The Practice of Surrender – Ceasing to Fight Anymore (101 votes)Loading... Tagged With: an inside job conscious contact with a higher power dry drunk entertaining stories funny honesty moment of clarity relief from obsession to drink surrender Aug 11, 2015
Tape Summaries/Comments