Bonus-Fear & Sex (Kevin & Carly) (3 votes)Loading... Tagged With: Big Book fear recent additions self-centered fear sex Jan 20, 2020
Earl Hightower’s “Theory of Inertia”: “An Addict in Motion will Stay in Motion…” (24 votes)Loading... Tagged With: action craving/allergy of the body fear freedom funny hospitalizations/rehab love program of action progressive disease resolution to quit restless/irritable/discontent self knowledge service suicidal thinking May 6, 2017
Earl H- Step 12, Freedom from the Obsession, Sharing Experience (104 votes)Loading... Tagged With: amend anxiety Big Book fear freedom from the obsession hope lack of power love principles restored to sanity safe self-will service sharing your experience spiritual awakening Sponsorship stealing Step 12 steps willing to believe willingness May 6, 2017
Earl H – Steps 1 & 2 (484 votes)Loading... Tagged With: amend anxiety change fear God inventory newcomer principles safe self-centeredness service stealing Step 1 Step 2 step 4 steps surrender transformation trouble with the law willingness May 5, 2017
Buzz A – His Story, Hospitalizations, Depression, Fear, and Freedom (23 votes)Loading... Tagged With: anxiety depression facade of success fear grateful gratitude hospitalizations/rehab resolution to quit May 4, 2017
Rob K on Fear, Powerlessness, Humility (1 votes)Loading... Tagged With: fear humility powerless/unmanageable Sponsorship Mar 22, 2017
Adam T: Great for Newcomers, MANY Topics Covered (19 votes)Loading... Tagged With: 4 types of alcoholics agnotics conscious contact with a higher power denial fear fellowship vs progam guilt homelessness hospitalizations/rehab insanity inventory newcomers old ideas playing God powerlessness problem is not alcohol real alcoholic vs. heavy drinker resentments self knowledge service shame & guilt spiritual malady Step 1 uncover/discover/disgard Mar 22, 2017
Keith L of Ocala FL at The Usual Suspects Retreat Nashville TN USA 04-2005 (4 votes)Loading... Tagged With: amends anxiety faith fear hope Apr 29, 2015
Johnny H: There’s No Chapter in the Book about “Into Thinking…” (18 votes)Loading... Tagged With: anger Big Book craving/allergy of the body fear feeling of separateness homelessness insanity institutionalized prison selfishness Apr 29, 2015
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