Beth H has
15 speaker tapes.
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- Being Beth Just Wasn’t Enough!: 98 Votes | 3.78 Stars
- Early Distorted Thinking Leads to the Wrong “Solution”: 27 Votes | 3.7 Stars
- Beth Hartley: 20 Votes | 3.6 Stars
- Recovery Fest 2009: 15 Votes | 2.93 Stars
- Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2000: 13 Votes | 3.46 Stars
- Beth H – Big Book Citations: 10 Votes | 4.1 Stars
- Beth Hartley . from Cary NC: 9 Votes | 4 Stars
- 45th Niagara Blossomtime Convention in Niagara Falls, Canada – 2010: 8 Votes | 4.13 Stars
- Beth H . from Carey, NC: 7 Votes | 3.43 Stars
- Pockets of Enthusiasm , Virginia Beach VA. Nov.2007: 6 Votes | 3.17 Stars
- Beth Hartley, Cincinnati OH, 5-4-01: 6 Votes | 4 Stars
- Women’ s Serenity Weekend , Fall Conference, Cocoa Beach FL. 2007: 4 Votes | 2.25 Stars
- ES & H in 2004: 3 Votes | 2.33 Stars
- Beth Hartley , Cary,NC.Area62-2004: 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- 11th Ever Huntsville Roundup 2002-02-03: 1 Votes | 4 Stars
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why can I not play these tapes
I do not and will not believe that you will not publish my name and e mail address
“I do not and will not believe that you will not publish my name and e mail address”
I have no clue what that’s supposed to mean, but in either case, it doesn’t sound nice. If you want my help, be nice.