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ahh.. not funny. I’m from Derry thjats a pile of shite
I appreciate this share. The speaker was part of a religious cult. So was my family. It’s hard finding people who identify.
Was there anything about alcohol ??
I believe she mentioned that she lost complete control when drinking.
I am sure her disease was growing when she was munching Twinkies, but once she got her gastric bypass she found her relief in alcohol.
Therefore, she developed an obsession of the mind that doomed her to sliding off the wagon Moreover, she soon realized that she had a physical allergy that compelled her to lose all control once she succumbed to her obsession. In fact, she found quite a creative way to extend her drinking without a white powder.
Maybe I will get a gastric bypass so I can drink and get drunk so I could eat seven little peanuts and gain some control again so i can drink more. Oh darn, I have an intolerance to peanuts. I wonder if almonds or pistachios would work. Maybe pecans or cashews if in a pinch.
But whatever, I don’t need control over my drinking, if i never take that first one, and listening to tapes by lesbian foreigners sure gives me enough relief that I won’t need to get relief from peanuts.
Best AA Lead I have heard in years The 12 Steps could help millions of sick people Recover Maybe sick Christians as Well
Please tag “Atheist”. We don’t want to scare away the newcomer with a speaker who doesn’t speak about God and a story that lacks depth and weight.
If I were to tag this talk, I would certainly tag it with Depth and Weight. I didn’t necessarily think she is an atheist, but after living in Utah you can a new perspective.
I attended my first AA meeting in SLC, in 1978. There were no prayers said at all. If I have a complaint about that meeting it is that I did not know that AA had a book. I did not see one, and they had the lackadaisical audacity to read How it Works from a mimeographed piece of paper.
The LDS church has such a profound influence on the state, that AA members were cautious to mention God publicly because equated to the Mormon church to most people. In many meeting around the country people say, “My sponsor said this or that.” In rural Utah I heard more than i wanted to, “My Bishop said this or that,” or “The Prophet said that or this.”
Actually most old timers will tell you to not “get all god” on the newcomer as to not discourage newcomers. As for her story your awful judgey. You must be one of those perfect alcoholics with no problems. Smh
So-So speaker. I rate this one star because she states, in an AA meeting, that she is a practicing atheist and belief in God is not necessary to work the AA program. Sigh. Maybe she will read the big book some day. My prayers are with her and other suffering alcoholics (myself included at times).
Oh boy. I guess God as we understand him is meaningless. We are not cured, but Bill W thanks God for curing him. Is that God you speak of Allah? Is it Jesus? Which one? This crop of Big Book thumpers are very sick. It’s shifting alcoholic thinking into obsessive compulsive behavior. “The speaker didn’t say this, the speaker didn’t mention God enough, the speaker didn’t say recoverED, the speaker didn’t mention armed with the facts…..” That is sick. That is not sobriety. Yes, it mentions God in the Big Book. Yes, I know Bill W was a believer of Jesus. Do you go by the steps, or how by what you think Bill W meant? It’s a little harder to read the book as an atheist, because you know they don’t really mean “as we understand him.” However, it’s pretty petty to knock a speaker because you didn’t hear enough of Allah. That’s the God you were thinking, wasn’t it? I’ll take her sobriety over an angry guy like a Russell S or Chris R any day.
Exactly! Was it the lack of her use of the word “God,” or simply because she is a foreigner, or even maybe cuz she’s a lesbian foreigner. I love the words that Ebby gave Bill. It is not my business to want to approve or negate another’s conception of their Higher Power.
The Book tells me in Agnostics that if we search diligently and honestly within ourselves that the Consciousness of our own Belief will surely come to us. It does not claim that my efforts will make someone else aware of a Higher Power of their unique conception.
I personally find that I do not necessarily identify with females, so I do not discount them for my lack. I feel that anyone who stays active and is reasonably happy as they share this program is doing it more correct than not. It’s kinda like practicing the Fourth Tradition on an individual basis. Sometimes that is a tedious process for me to practice patience and tolerance. Even when i must give forgiveness over angry perfectionist and pseudo Big book nazis
If maybe Danny K would read the book, maybe we would all let out a sigh of thanks.
Good luck with the Program. We all need prayers, and I hope you will include me in yours as well as any you can spare for a certain lesbian cult survivor from the old sod with the balls to bare her soul to help our sobriety.
Thank you so much for sharing! I really related to everything you said and I really enjoyed your story.
Fear going on