Speaker Tape Tagged With:step 4

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  3. Paul M in Bloomington 2013 by Paul M 79 Votes | 3.51 Stars
  4. Clancy I. Sydney Australia Founders Day 2005 by Clancy I 68 Votes | 3.47 Stars
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  6. Spiritual Power of the 12 Steps by Sandy Beach 129 Votes | 3.67 Stars
  7. The Ego’s Biggest Worry 🙂 by Sandy Beach 238 Votes | 3.8 Stars
  8. The 12 Steps | part 1 of 2 by Earl H 83 Votes | 3.4 Stars
  9. Next Steps – Step 2 – (Part 3) by Emotional Sobriety Workshop - Dave F and Mark Houston 53 Votes | 3.96 Stars
  10. “The Edge” by Chris R 101 Votes | 3.86 Stars