Bill W has
103 speaker tapes.
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- meets Dr Bob writing the Big Book: 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- The Three Legacies – Part 1of 2: 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Alanon 1961 17min: 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Our Responsibility: 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- 3rd General Service Conf 1952: 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- 3 Talks to Medical Societies 01: 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- 3 Talks to Medical Societies 02: 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- 3 Talks to Medical Societies 04: 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- H Bill W & i John Col Edward Tons Sr Ignatia part 1: 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- Bill_W+1: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Atlanta Georgia: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- three legacies part 2of2: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Lois, Ebby T , Sr. Ignatia: 1 Votes | 4 Stars
- 1947 to Bob phone call: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 1952 Phone Call with Harry Greene from Ft. Worth TX: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 1954 Bill’s Anniv dinner Dorothy B: 1 Votes | 1 Stars
- 1956 NBC Talk: 1 Votes | 2 Stars
- 2 George A from The Styvenson Group Speaking at Bill’s 18th Anniversary in 1953: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 3 Loretta Hurley from Riverdale Speaking at Bill’s 18th Anniversary in 1953: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 4 Dorothy B from The Manhattan Group in New York Speaking at Bill’s Anniversary in 1953: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Bil speaking at the Oklahoma State Conference in Oklahoma City OK May 1951: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Bill W & Lois On tour (CA Jan 7 1960: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Atlanta 1951: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 1952 Bill W & 1955 Ft Worth to Al Anon: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 1954 06 00 3rd Legacy @ Ft Worth Tx: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 1954 06 13 @ Fort Worth Tx 20 Y + Dr Bob: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 1955 Miami Goodbye + 1970 Toronto Goodbye part 2: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 1969 Financing The Big Book GSO: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- speaking in Atlanta July 1951 original off ire 80 mins: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- lois Ebby at 3rd Int Conv CA July 1960: 1 Votes | 5 Stars
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Who is Bill W.?
William Griffith Wilson also known as Bill Wilson or Bill W., was the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Wilson was born on November 26, 1895, in East Dorset, Vermont. He was raised by his paternal grandfather William C. Wilson, who was also an alcoholic. William C. Wilson, after having a "religious experience", decided to stop drinking alcohol when he was under the influence of psilocybin during a "soul searching" hike on Mount Aeolus. His grandson, Bill Wilson, also felt a very strong desire to stop drinking shortly after sharing a similar experience.