A list on Unrated AA Conference Tapes are listed below if you wish to help out 🙂
- His Story – Humorous, Covering Many Topics by Scott R 171 Votes | 3.51 Stars
- Steps 6 & 7 | 22nd. Spring Conference May 2012 by Sandy Beach 89 Votes | 3.84 Stars
- Drinking’s “Side Effects” and The Solution by Sandy Beach 82 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Sandy B: 3 Laughs a Minute, Great for Newcomers & Sponsors Alike by Sandy Beach 67 Votes | 3.93 Stars
- “Access the Power” – 46th Tri-State Convention in Mt. Vernon, IL – 2006 by Bob D 67 Votes | 3.76 Stars
- Mildred F – Step 4, Fear & Sex ,19th. Spring Conference Cocoa Beach – 2009 by 50 Votes | 3.62 Stars
- Astrid H. from Grenada Hills at Yosemite Convention Nov 2010 by Astrid H 45 Votes | 3.84 Stars
- Mary M from Houston TX. at 39yj. Kentucky State Conf. Paducah KY. 2-17-90 by Shotgun Mary 35 Votes | 3.77 Stars
- Angie P. at the 46th. Women’s Conf. FL – 2010 by Angie P 34 Votes | 3.74 Stars
- The Program in Two Words – “Let Go…” – 2008 by Sandy Beach 33 Votes | 3.97 Stars
- Lila R. – ’33rd International Women’s Conference’ Chicago, IL; 1997 by Lila R 31 Votes | 3.97 Stars
- Edge of the Woods Conf. 9-8-2012 by Katie P 26 Votes | 3.42 Stars
- Craig T.N. 51st.Florida State Conv. Orlando, 8 11 2007 by Famous AA Speakers 24 Votes | 3.75 Stars
- Sandy Beach – A Spiritual Malady at Woodstock of AA 22nd. Spring Conf. May 2012 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 24 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- Theresa F. 46th. Womens Conf. FL.2010 by Theresa F 20 Votes | 4.3 Stars
- Joe C. from Palm Coast FL. Step 12 ,19th. Spring Conference Cocoa Beach , FL. 2009 by Joe C 20 Votes | 3.6 Stars
- Clancy I. (Venice CA) ‘9th Annual San Fernando Convention’; San Fernando CA; 19840204 by Clancy I 20 Votes | 3.45 Stars
- Chris R at the Area 76 Fall Convention by Chris R 19 Votes | 4 Stars
- Steps 5-6-7 | 18TH Spring Conference FL 2008 by Sandy Beach 19 Votes | 3.26 Stars
- Fran S. – 46th. Women’s Conference, FL. 2010 by Fran S 18 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Don C – Finding the AA Pathway Toward Our True Selves by Don C 17 Votes | 4.41 Stars
- Wayne B 54th Florida State Convention, Miami Aug 2010 by Wayne B 17 Votes | 3.82 Stars
- Sandy Beach Steps 1-2-3 at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 17 Votes | 4.24 Stars
- Young People’s Conference – Steps 1, 2, and 3 Workshop – Mickey Bush by Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012 16 Votes | 3.75 Stars
- at SE. Conf. Alcohol & Drug Abuse 1981 by Sandy Beach 15 Votes | 3.4 Stars
- Ralph White Steps 1 2 & 3. at Woodstock 3-18-2011 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 15 Votes | 3.33 Stars
- Deb H – Beaufort mid-winter conference by Debbie D 14 Votes | 3.64 Stars
- Clancy I. Way of Life Conference Palm BeachFLAug.05 by Clancy I 14 Votes | 4 Stars
- Sandy Beach His Story at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 14 Votes | 4.29 Stars
- Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2000 by Beth H 13 Votes | 3.46 Stars
- Polly P. Step 3 at Woodstock of AA , 22nd. Spring Conf. May 2012 by Polly P 13 Votes | 4.38 Stars
- sheila a nccaa 49th annual fall conference redding ca 10 13 96 by Shiela A 13 Votes | 4 Stars
- Tampa FL. 55th. Florida State Conv. July 2011 by Sandy Beach 12 Votes | 5 Stars
- Dr. Gordon B Toronto Conf. 1977 by AA Doctors 12 Votes | 3.33 Stars
- Fr. Jim C. – 38th Michigan Conference – 1990 by AA Clergy 12 Votes | 3.83 Stars
- Tina A. GSR Area 06 CA-Pre Conf. Bolado Park 2005 by Tina A 12 Votes | 3.92 Stars
- Bob O – Gopher State Roundup – 2007 by Bob O 12 Votes | 3.25 Stars
- Tampa FL 63rd.NC State Conv. 2010 by Sandy Beach 11 Votes | 4.64 Stars
- Polly P. Step 4, Fear & Sex – 18TH. Spring Conf. Cocoa Beach FL. 2008 by Polly P 11 Votes | 3.82 Stars
- Cora Louise B. at The Sunlight of The Spirit Conference in York, PA – 1999 by Cora Louise B. 11 Votes | 3.55 Stars
- Chuck C – Texas State Convention 1963 – Please Review/Comment! by Chuck C 10 Votes | 4.3 Stars
- at Georgia State Conv. Jekyll Island 1978 by Sandy Beach 10 Votes | 3.8 Stars
- Tampa FL. at 56th. FL.State Conv. Palm Harbour Aug.2012 by Sandy Beach 10 Votes | 4.1 Stars
- Tampa FL.at 50th. Florida State Conv. Palm Harbor Aug. 2006 by Sandy Beach 10 Votes | 3.4 Stars
- Club Med Playa Blanco Conference; Playa Blanco Mexico; 1998 by Earl H 10 Votes | 4.3 Stars
- Chuck C – Closing Speaker at the 1965 International in Toronto by Chuck C 10 Votes | 3.9 Stars
- Fr. Tom W. from Oakland, CA. , 55th. Florida State Conv. July 2011 by Father Tom W 10 Votes | 3.7 Stars
- Judge Don G 1985 Oregon Area Conference by Attorneys & Judges 10 Votes | 4 Stars
- Liz B. 1995 10-13 HMB Area Conf 43 Years by Liz B 10 Votes | 5.1 Stars
- Ilene W. Los Angeles, CA. at Costa Brava Convention. Spain 2004 by Ilene W 10 Votes | 4 Stars
- Lila R – Santa Monica, CA. International Women in AA Convention by Lila R 10 Votes | 4.3 Stars
- 46th Tri-State Convention in Mt. Vernon, IL – November 4th 2006 by Bob D 9 Votes | 3.89 Stars
- Sterling’s Story – 2005 by Sterling H 9 Votes | 3.44 Stars
- Bob Darrell Step 4 Fear & Sex at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 9 Votes | 3.44 Stars
- Dick A at Woodstock 3-18-2011 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 9 Votes | 4.11 Stars
- 2011 Florida State Convention by Adam T 8 Votes | 5.5 Stars
- 45th Niagara Blossomtime Convention in Niagara Falls, Canada – 2010 by Beth H 8 Votes | 4.13 Stars
- Chuck C & Bill W. 4th.Internional Conv. Toronto Canada July 1965 by Chuck C 8 Votes | 4 Stars
- Our Primary Purpose’ – AA International Convention Seattle WA 1990 by Clancy I 8 Votes | 4 Stars
- Steps 10-11 19th. Spring Conference Cocoa Beach FL. 2009 by Earl H 8 Votes | 3.25 Stars
- Father Pete 35th. Georgia State Conv. 1988 by Father Pete W 8 Votes | 3.63 Stars
- Barry L. from New York, NY speaking at the 50th World Conference in Montreal in July 1985 – Barry is the author of by Barry L 8 Votes | 4.13 Stars
- Judge Don G. 1985 Oregon Area Conference by Judge Don G 8 Votes | 3.75 Stars
- Cliff Walker , LA, NCCAA Fall Conf. member and past trustee 1963 by 8 Votes | 4.63 Stars
- Ray O’K 1987-00-00 @ Oregon Area Conf by Ray O 8 Votes | 3.88 Stars
- Mark H Speaking at The Fellowship Of The Spirit Conference New York August 4, 2007 by Primary Purpose Group - Lynbrook, NY 8 Votes | 3.88 Stars
- Mid-Winter Conference in Hilton Head, SC 2007 by Pat Y 7 Votes | 2.43 Stars
- Birds of a Feather conference in Atlanta GA – April 26th 2008 by Sandy Beach 7 Votes | 4.43 Stars
- 54th Florida State Convention Miami Aug.2010 by Sandy Beach 7 Votes | 3.43 Stars
- NCCAA Summer Conf. 1973-06-10 by Chuck C 7 Votes | 4 Stars
- 1963-TXSteConvSanAntonio by Chuck C 7 Votes | 3.14 Stars
- 18TH. Spring Conf. Cocoa Beach FL. 2008 by Fran S 7 Votes | 4 Stars
- New England Fellowship of the Spirit conference in Portland, ME – March 7th 2009 by Mark Houston 7 Votes | 3.71 Stars
- Keynote Conference Speaker , Ontario 2009 by Mark Houston 7 Votes | 3.29 Stars
- Theresa F. 63rd NC State.Convention 2010 by Theresa F 7 Votes | 2.86 Stars
- Ray O Keynote Speech Honolulu Convention 1970s by Ray O 7 Votes | 3.86 Stars
- Young People’s Conference – thursday main meeting by Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012 7 Votes | 3.57 Stars
- Lila R. (Santa Monica, CA) – ‘Florida Roundup’ Miami Beach, FL 2006 by Lila R 7 Votes | 4.86 Stars
- Bob Darrell Step 4. at Woodstock 3-18-2011 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 7 Votes | 4.71 Stars
- Brazos Riverside Conference in Lake Whitney, TX – October 24th 2008 by Charlie P 6 Votes | 3.33 Stars
- Steps 10, 11 & 12 at the Road to Recovery Convention – Reykjavik, Iceland by Sharon B 6 Votes | 4 Stars
- Healing Laughter at 2000 International Conv. by Fran S 6 Votes | 3.33 Stars
- 37th. Florida State Convention. Orlando 1993 by Francine W 6 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- 63rd.NC St. Conv. 2010 by Don M 6 Votes | 4 Stars
- Rev Ray Vowell 1992-05-10 8th. Tri-State Convention Laughlin NV. by Reverend Ray V 6 Votes | 4 Stars
- Sam H. at the 2nd Annual High Desert Convention – 1986 by Dog on the Roof Group 6 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- Young People’s Conference – relationships by Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012 6 Votes | 3 Stars
- Dr. Garrett O at Costa Brave Conv.Spain 2004 by AA Doctors 6 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- Astrid H. from Grenada Hills at CALA Convention – 2012 by Astrid H 6 Votes | 3 Stars
- Bill C. at the Sinnesgruppens Christmas Convention in Stockholm Sweden – 2009 by Bill C 6 Votes | 3.33 Stars
- Hank J. from Palmdale, CA Canyon Conference in Hinton,OK – 1986 by Hank J 6 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Ken D. 30th. Hawaii Conf. 1991-11-02 by Ken D 6 Votes | 5 Stars
- Sean A. Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2004 by Sean A 6 Votes | 4.17 Stars
- Butch M. ES & h in 2007 by Butch M 6 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- Clancy I. Sponsorship Conference 2002 by Clancy I 6 Votes | 4.83 Stars
- Chris R from Ingram, TX (Area 65) speaking at the Mouth of the Brazos Conference in Lake Jackson, TX – September 21st 2002 by Primary Purpose Group - Lynbrook, NY 6 Votes | 4 Stars
- Keith L. 13th. Mid Winter Conf. Hilton Head IslandSC. jAN. 93 by Keith L 6 Votes | 4 Stars
- Don M at Woodstock 3-18-2011 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 6 Votes | 3.17 Stars
- Tampa FL19th. Spring Conference Cocoa FL. 2009 by Sandy Beach 5 Votes | 3.2 Stars
- International Conv. July 1965 by Chuck C 5 Votes | 4 Stars
- Midwinter Conf. Winston Salem 1978 by Chuck C 5 Votes | 3.8 Stars
- 1964 The Prodigal Son Denver Ste Convention Denver CO by Chuck C 5 Votes | 3.6 Stars
- Georgia State Conv. Augusta GA. 1964 by Chuck C 5 Votes | 4 Stars
- Mouth of the Brazos Conf. May 21-2010 by Katie P 5 Votes | 2.8 Stars
- Saturday Night WICYPAA Convention January 27th.2012 by Russel S 5 Votes | 4.2 Stars
- 56th. Georgia Conv. Macon GA. 2009 by Sharon B 5 Votes | 3.8 Stars
- His Famous Medical Convention Talk; 1983 by Clancy I 5 Votes | 3.2 Stars
- NCCAA Conf. Santa Rosa, CA. 10-11-70 by Dr. Paul O 5 Votes | 3.4 Stars
- Tom I – Steps 8-9 – 19th. Spring Conference Cocoa Beach FL. 2009 by Tom I 5 Votes | 3 Stars
- Ted H Florida State Convention 1987 by Ted H 5 Votes | 4.2 Stars
- Jerry J at Georgia State Convention. 1982 by Jerry J 5 Votes | 4.2 Stars
- Gordon M. , at Alcohol & Drug Addiction Conf. Austin TX 1982 by Famous AA Speakers 5 Votes | 3 Stars
- Father Tom. 2nd. Summer Conf. Yosemite , 1985-11-13 by Father Tom W 5 Votes | 3.6 Stars
- searcy-w-internationalconv2000 by Searcy W 5 Votes | 3.2 Stars
- Marilyn S. at the Summit Conference Yosemite – 2002 by Marilyn S 5 Votes | 4.2 Stars
- Candice M. 56th. Georgia Conv. Macon GA. 2009 by Candice M 5 Votes | 3.6 Stars
- Howard P. from Gilbert AZ. 55th. Florida State Conv. July 2011 by Howard P 5 Votes | 4.6 Stars
- Tom I. – Step 10, 11, & 12 – Rock Creek Mens Conference – (2005) by Tom I 5 Votes | 3.4 Stars
- Valerie D from Richmond, VA (Area 71) Speaking at The Fellowship Of The Spirit Conference New York August 7, 2005 by Primary Purpose Group - Lynbrook, NY 5 Votes | 4.8 Stars
- Bob B Step 12 at Woodstock of AA May 2012 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 5 Votes | 4.4 Stars
- Frannie S at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach Florida May 1 2008 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 5 Votes | 5 Stars
- Polly P Fear & Sex at Woodstock 3-18-2011 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 5 Votes | 4.2 Stars
- Gays in A.A.: Being a Part of A.A. as a Whole by 5 Votes | 4 Stars
- Founder’s Day in 1975 by Tom B 5 Votes | 3.8 Stars
- Bob E. from Redondo Beach CA speaking at the 14th annual PS Convention in Palm Springs CA – September 14th 2001 by Bob E 5 Votes | 4 Stars
- Tampa FL. at 50th. Florida State Conv. Palm Harbour Aug. 2006 by Sandy Beach 4 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Women’ s Serenity Weekend , Fall Conference, Cocoa Beach FL. 2007 by Beth H 4 Votes | 2.25 Stars
- 4th. International Convention – 1965 by Chuck C 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- 46th Annual Summer Conference, Redding CA. 1993 by Jim W 4 Votes | 4 Stars
- 18th. Midwinter Conf. OK. Jan.2010 by Katie P 4 Votes | 3.25 Stars
- Steps 4-5-6-7 – 34th. Brazos Conference 2011 by Chris S 4 Votes | 3.75 Stars
- 43rd. Florida St. Conv. 1999 by Fran S 4 Votes | 3.75 Stars
- 51st. NC. State Convention Winston Salem July 1998 by Angie D 4 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Spring Conference Moline 1992 by Angie D 4 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Joe A at the 44th Georgia state Convention by Joe A 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- Serenity Sam M. (Richmond IN) – Santa Barbara Convention CA 2001 by Serenity Sam 4 Votes | 3 Stars
- Serenity Sam M. (Richmond IN) – Orange County Convention 1997 (Costa Mesa CA March 2. 45 min by Serenity Sam 4 Votes | 4 Stars
- Ray O’K. (Miami FL) – Club Sober @ 10th International Convention of AA – San Diego CA by Ray O 4 Votes | 3.25 Stars
- Tom B . Charlotte NC Winter Holiday Convention NLR AR 2-1993 by Tom B 4 Votes | 5.75 Stars
- Joe Quinn , 7th District AA Conference in Beaumont, TX 1988 by Dog on the Roof Group 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- Ed B., 24th. Southeastern Convention, Charlotte NC. 1968. sober 15 years by Famous AA Speakers 4 Votes | 3 Stars
- Young People’s Conference – sponsorship workshop by Chris S 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- Don C. (Colorado Springs, CO) – 1st NM Indian AA Convention ; Albuquerque, NM; 1994 by Don C 4 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Pat Y. from Pasadena, CA – Mid-Winter Conference in Hilton Head, SC on (01-26-2007) by Pat Y 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- Pat Y , NCCAA 44th. Annual Fall Conf. 1991 10 20 by Pat Y 4 Votes | 2.25 Stars
- Marty J , at 53rd. NCCAA Spring Conf. Monterey CA. 2000 3 05 by Marty J 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- David A. – 12 step study at Memphis Bluff City fellowship convention – 1997 1 by AA Doctors 4 Votes | 5 Stars
- John K. – Help Others, “Recovered vs Recovering Alcoholic”, Guaranteed Sobriety, Old-School AA by John K 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- Mary R NCCAA 37th Annual Conv. Santa Clara CA. 1984 by Mary R 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- Polly P at 56th. FL.State Conv. Palm Harbor, Aug 2012 by Polly P 4 Votes | 3.75 Stars
- Kerry C. from Tannersville, CA telling her story at the Men Among Men Groups’s conference in Reykjavik, Iceland – March 12th 2011 by Kerry C 4 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Keith D. at 25th.Lakeside Conf. Brookwood TX 1986 by Keith D 4 Votes | 5 Stars
- Ray O’K Miami FL 13th Annual Mid-Winter Conference Hilton Head Island SC Jan 15-17 1993 by Ray O 4 Votes | 4.75 Stars
- Ray O’K. (Miami FL) – ‘8th Annual Mid-Winter Conference’; Hilton HeadSC; 198801 by Ray O 4 Votes | 4.25 Stars
- Ray O K from Florida at The West Lake Ventura Convention by Ray O 4 Votes | 4 Stars
- Tom I.. Trust God at the Men with Men Group’s Open AA Conference in ReykjavikIceland – March 7th 2004 by Tom I 4 Votes | 3.25 Stars
- Clancy I. Venice CA. 18TH. Spring Conf. Cocoa Beach FL. 2008 by Clancy I 4 Votes | 3.75 Stars
- Keith L & Laurel B Spiritual Experience Gathering of Eagles Conference 1 Madison FL by Keith L 4 Votes | 2 Stars
- Bob B. at Woodstock 3-18-2011 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 4 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Bob Darrell at Woodstock Why Are We Here 3-18-2011 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 4 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Ralph W. Step 4 Resentment at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010. by Woodstock of AA Conferences 4 Votes | 3.75 Stars
- (Arlington VA) – ‘The Maryland State Convention’; 2007 by Sandy Beach 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- His Story in 2005 by Scott L 3 Votes | 5.67 Stars
- Texas State Convention 2004 by Scott R 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Georgia State Conv. 1981 by Jim W 3 Votes | 4 Stars
- 27th.Hawaii Conf. Honolulu HI. 1988 10 22 by Jim W 3 Votes | 2.67 Stars
- Club Sober 10th AA International Convention; San Diego, CA; 1995 by Mickey B 3 Votes | 3.33 Stars
- 41st. Fl St.Conv. 1997 by Sharon B 3 Votes | 2.67 Stars
- at World AA Convention Toronto 1965 by Clarence S 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- Speaking at a Conference in Florida 1975 by Clarence S 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- 27th. Annual HA Conf. 1988 by Fran S 3 Votes | 4 Stars
- 2007 Everett Conference. WA by Mark Houston 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- 34th Anniversary NY 1969 Bill W & 5th International Conv Miami FL July 1970 by Bill W 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- 2nd. Florida State Conv.Jacksonville 1988 , by Clint H 3 Votes | 5 Stars
- Tom F (Baltimore MD) – 4th Annual conference by Tom F 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Shotgun Mary from Houston Texas at Georgia State Conv.1990 by Shotgun Mary 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Ray O – Sponsorship Conference 2002 by Ray O 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Don_C. Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2001 by Don C 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Jack D NCCAA Fall Conv. 1999 10 01 by Jack D 3 Votes | 5 Stars
- Jack D. (Pittsburgh, PA) – ‘1991 MO State Convention’; Columbia, MO; 19910715 by Jack D 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- John S. from Billings, MT – Rock Creek Mens Conference in Norman, OK on (09-01-2005) by John S 3 Votes | 4 Stars
- Pat Y , NCCAA 52nd. Spring Conf. 1999 03 14 by Pat Y 3 Votes | 5.33 Stars
- marilyn s yosemite summit conference yosemite ca 11 23 02 dos 1972 by Marilyn S 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Judge Dick H – “The Facade of Professional Success” – 1970 by Attorneys & Judges 3 Votes | 6.33 Stars
- Burns B 42nd. Georgia State Conv. Albany GA. 1995 by Burns B 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Dr. Earl M. (Walnut Creek CA) – ‘Physcian Heal Thyself’! 25th Annual Ceta Glen Conference Happy TX; 1990 by AA Doctors 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Dr. Garrett O. from Beverley Hills CA. at Costa Brave Conv. 2005 Disc 2 by AA Doctors 3 Votes | 2.33 Stars
- Liz B, 36th. Florida State Convention, 1992 by Liz B 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- Polly P. – 19th Annual Crested Butte Mountain Conference 2002 by Polly P 3 Votes | 3.33 Stars
- Angie P. Cincinnati, OH. Serenity Weekend Womens Conf. Cocoa Beach, FL. Sept.2006 by Angie P 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- Angie P. from Cincinnati, OH speaking at 29th Annual San Diego Roundup in San Diego, CA – April 14th 2006 by Angie P 3 Votes | 2.67 Stars
- Johnnie H. from Los AngelesCA speaking at The Promises and Service 2 day convention in StockholmSweden – May 29th 2004 by Johnnie H 3 Votes | 3 Stars
- Johnny H. ,at 1980 New Orleans Convention by Johnnie H 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Hector E. (Los Angeles CA) – Q & A on Steps 12 and 3 at the Road to Recovery Convention; ReykjavikIceland; 2004 by Hector E 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Gary B. Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2006 by Gary B 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Kerry C. (Harrison, NJ) – ‘Clean House’; Men with Men Group’s Open AA Conference; Reykjavik, Iceland; 2004 by Kerry C 3 Votes | 4 Stars
- Joe McQ – from Little Rock Arkansas at 38th. SE.Conf. Aug.1982 by Joe McQ 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Joe McQ & Charlie P. at 1980 New Orleans Convention by Joe McQ 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Karen G. from Los Angeles CA – 22nd Annual Canyon Conference in Hinton OK – 2004 by Karen G 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- Beth_G. Miami Valley Winter Conf. 1998 by Beth G 3 Votes | 2.67 Stars
- Bill S Roswell GA 14th Chattahoochee Forest Conference Helen GA Nov 11-14 1993 by Bill S 3 Votes | 6.33 Stars
- Clara S , 30th. Hawaii Conf. 1991-11-07 by Clara S 3 Votes | 5 Stars
- Clancy I. (Venice CA) His Famous Medical Convention Talk; 19830316 by Clancy I 3 Votes | 2.33 Stars
- Ed M from Davenport, IA speaking at the Fellowship of the Spirit Conference in Queens, NY August 9, 2006 by Primary Purpose Group - Lynbrook, NY 3 Votes | 6.33 Stars
- Keith L. (Fayetteveille NC) – ’12th Annual Northeast Indiana Convention’; Ft. WayneIN; 199204 by Keith L 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Bob B Steps 5 6 & 7 at Woodstock 3-18-2011 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
- Dave P. His Story at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 3 Votes | 1.33 Stars
- Michael E. Step 12 at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 3 Votes | 4 Stars
- Tom I Steps 10 & 11 at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
- We Realize We Know Only a Little by 3 Votes | 4 Stars
- Jack S 13th Annual Fundamental Festival Burlington NC 1997 by AA Fundamentals Festival - 1997 3 Votes | 3.67 Stars
- Jack D at the 44th Delaware Convention 2004 by Jack D 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Miami Valley Winter Conference 2004 by Scott L 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- NCCAA Fall Conf. Stockton ,CA. 1983 by Jim W 2 Votes | 2.5 Stars
- Crested Butte Mountain Conference 2009 by Sharon B 2 Votes | 6 Stars
- at Florida State Conv. 1968 by Clarence S 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- 1980 at Hawaii State Convention by Clarence S 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- Conference in Phoenix Arizona 1982 by Clarence S 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Cajun Country Convention Lafayette LA; 2000 by Clancy I 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Way of Life Conference Palm Beach FL 2005 by Clancy I 2 Votes | 2.5 Stars
- Letting God Lead – Chisolm Trail Convention – 2008 by Blind Dave A 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- 3rd International Conv Lois Ebby Sr Ignatia ‘s Story Long Beach 1960 by Bill W 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Bill W & Lois illson 1961 1st Al Anon Conf by Bill W 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Milestones Ahead at 3rd General Service Conference by Bill W 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- from Bedford Hills NY speaking at the Texas State AA Conference in Fort Worth TX June 12th 1954 by Bill W 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- 3rd General Service Conf 1952 by Bill W 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- 54th Florida State Convention Miami Aug.2010 by Don M 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- West Central Indiana Mini Conference’ Dansville IN – 1990 by Don M 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- West Central Indiana Mini Conference -1990 by Don M 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- 32nd. Kentucky Conf. Louisville KY. 1983 by Don M 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- 53rd. Mississippi Conv. July 19th. 1999 by Don M 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- 47th Kansas Area Conf. Salina ,KS. 2004 by Clint H 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Theresa F. 54th Florida State Convention Miami Aug.2010 by Theresa F 2 Votes | 7.5 Stars
- Diz T 49th. Florida State Convention, Daytona 2005 by Diz T 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Fr. Pete W – from Toronto-Canada-at Florida State Conv-1989 by Father Pete W 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- Wayne B The Serenity Weekend Conference in Richmond, VA on 03-20-1999 by Wayne B 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Dr-bob-s-last major talk, International Conv. Cleveland 1950 by Dr. Bob 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Jerry J. – London Conference; London, ENG by Jerry J 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Jerry J , NCCAA 51st. Fall Conference. Modesto CA. 1998 by Jerry J 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Young People’s Conference – emmet foxs sermon on the mount by Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012 2 Votes | 2.5 Stars
- Young People’s Conference – friday main meeting by Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Young People’s Conference – sunday main meeting by Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012 2 Votes | 1.5 Stars
- Ed M. Davenport, IA,52nd So Cal Convention 2003 by Ed M 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- Ed M. from Bettendorf, IA – Area 62 Convention in Davenport, IA on (03-20-2004) by Ed M 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- John S. from Billings, MT – 26th Annual Brazos Riverside Conference in Latham Springs, TX on (10-18-2003) by John S 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Searcy W. Evelyn K. Lucille I. Gathering of Eagles Conference Dallas TX. 1 of 2 by Searcy W 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- June G, Hollywood, Florida 1989 at 33rd. Florida State Convention, Hollywood FL. 1989 Part 2 by June G 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- June G ,from Los Angeles CA.at Midwinter Conf. by June G 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- June G ,from Los Angeles CA. at 34th. Michigan State Conf. 1986 by June G 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- June G, Hollywood, Florida 1989 at 33rd. Florida State Convention, Hollywood FL. 1989 by June G 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Jack S. at 37th.Ind.State Conv. IND. 1990 by Jack S 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Jack S. 35th Virginia state conference 1986 dos 8 21 62 by Jack S 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Tom Powers Jr. Snr. of Hankins NY at SC conv Myrtle Beach 4-1966 by 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Burns B 32nd. Florida State Conv.Jacksonville 1988 by Burns B 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Burns B. 56th. Georgia Conv. Macon GA. 2009 by Burns B 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Mary R NCCAA 42nd. Annual Conv. Oakland CA. 1989 by Mary R 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Candice M. 52nd. Florida State Conv. Fort Lauderdale , 2008 by Candice M 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Fr Hilary D So.Calif. Conv. Anaheim CA. 1973 by AA Clergy 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Fr. Joe M , 33rd. Tri State Conv. at Jasper IN. Nov.93 by AA Clergy 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Fr. Leo B, 32nd. Florida State Conv.Jacksonville 1988 by AA Clergy 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Polly P. (Birch Bay, WA) – ‘CPH12 v2 Convention’; Copenhagen, Denmark; 20040418 by Polly P 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Polly P. (Birch Bay, WA); James L. (Evanston, IL) – ’24th Tumbleweed Conference’; Hobbs, NM; 20040918 by Polly P 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Polly P. 43rd.FL.ST.Conv.Daytona Beach. July 1999 by Polly P 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Polly P. Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2001 by Polly P 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- Fr Hilary D , NCCAA Conf. Monterey CA. 1994-05-00 by Father Hilary D 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Fr Hilary D , Santa Rosa ,30th. NCCAA Conf. 1977-10-22 by Father Hilary D 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Fr. Hilary D at 1985 Fellowship Hall Spring Conf.Macon GA by Father Hilary D 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Bill C. Nccaa Summer Conference, Redding, CA 1993 by Bill C 2 Votes | 4 Stars
- Harriet R. at 27th Women’s Conf.Orlando FL.1991 by Harriet R 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Gary B from Indianapolis, IN speaking at the 23rd Lake Murray Men’s Conference in Ardmore, OK – March 6th-8th 2009 by Gary B 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Jay S. (Redondo Beach, CA) – ’26th Annual Tumbleweed Conference’; Hobbs, NM; 2006 by Jay S 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Joe McQ. (Little Rock, AR) – ‘Smith Mini-Conference’; Ft. Smith, AR; 198611 by Joe McQ 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Karen G. from Venice ,CA. at 39th. Florida State Convention1995 by Karen G 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Larry T. from Los AngelesCA speaking at the 35th Annual Essex County Convention 2010 in WindsorCanada – July 25h 2010 by Larry T 2 Votes | 1.5 Stars
- Keith D. California talks at the Greater Cleveland ConferenceCleveland Ohio Sept2009 by Keith D 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Keith D.Placenta CA ,at Florida State Convention. 1987 by Keith D 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Ken D. from LaMesaCA Pockets of Enthusiasm Conference in Virginia BeachVA 1994 by Ken D 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Rose E. Springhill FL, 46th. Womens Conf. FL.2010 by Rose E 2 Votes | 7.5 Stars
- Ray OKeefe NCCAA Spring Conf. Monterey CA. 1980-03-08 by Ray O 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- sean a 21nd annual state aa conference springfield Il by Sean A 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Tom I. from Southern Pines NC.. at Illinois Corrections Conf. Morris ILL. 2004 by Tom I 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Beth G. NCCAA 48th. Annual Summer Conf. San Francisco CA. 1995 06 04 by Beth G 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Bobby C at the Crested Butte Mountain Conference in Crested ButteCO – July 23rd-28th 2006 by Bobby C 2 Votes | 3 Stars
- Bobby C 21st Midwinter Conf. Jan. 2001 by Bobby C 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Bill O. from Orlando, FL at The 43rd Annual Indiana State Convention by Bill O 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Billy N. at the 70th Old Grandad Conference in Hot SpringsAR – August 20th 2010 by Billy N 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Clara S. from Los Angeles CA. at 27th. Women’s Conf. Orlando FL. 2-15-91 by Clara S 2 Votes | 7.5 Stars
- Clancy I. (Venice CA); ‘Our Primary Purpose’ %E2%80%98Alcoholics Anonymous International Convention%E2%80%99; Seattle WA; 19900705 08 by Clancy I 2 Votes | 7.5 Stars
- Clancy I. from Venice CA The 15th Canyon Conference in Hinton OK by Clancy I 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Clancy I. from Venice CA 10th Sponsorship Conference in Seattle WA on (08 30 2002) by Clancy I 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Clancy I. from Venice CA 15th Canyon Conference in Hinton OK on (06 01 1997) by Clancy I 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- cora l belford state conference shreveport la 1967 by Cora Louise B. 2 Votes | 5 Stars
- Dottie Schorr. Kingsburg Mini Conf.CA. 1986-10-18 by Dottie S 2 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Polly P. from Cypress, CA (Area 5) Speaking at the 19th Annual Crested Butte Mountain Conference – July 21-26, 2002 by Primary Purpose Group - Lynbrook, NY 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Keith L. (Fayetville NC) – ’23rd Big Deep South Convention’; New OrleansLA; 199104 by Keith L 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
- Keith_L. Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2000 by Keith L 2 Votes | 1.5 Stars
- XVIII Beartooth Mountain Conference in Billings, MT on (08-06-2005) by Sterling H 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2002 by Sterling H 1 Votes | 2 Stars
- MO State Convention 2000 by Scott R 1 Votes | 10 Stars
- Club Sober 10th.International Conv. San Diego 7-2-95 by Mickey B 1 Votes | 1 Stars
- NCCAA Summer Conf. Richmond CA. 1973-06-09 by Clarence S 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 47th. NCCAA Annual Fall Conference Modesto CA. 10-7-94 by Angie D 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- 37th. Florida State Conv. Orlando FL. 1993. by Francine W 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- New England Fellowship of the Spirit Conference in Portland, ME – March 7th 2009 by Mark Houston 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Fellowship of The Spirit West conference in Big Bear, CA – September 11th 2004 by Mark Houston 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- AAggieland convention in Bryan, TX – August 7th 2009 by Mark Houston 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Bil speaking at the Oklahoma State Conference in Oklahoma City OK May 1951 by Bill W 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- lois Ebby at 3rd Int Conv CA July 1960 by Bill W 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- 49th. Florida State Conv. Orlando 8-4-93 by Don M 1 Votes | 2 Stars
- 7th. Florida State Conv. Orlando FL. 1993.. by Don M 1 Votes | 1 Stars
- 42nd Florida State Convention 1998 by Clint H 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Ted H Florida State Convention 1987 by Ted H 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Fr. Pete W from Oakville, Canada at Ontario Conf. March 1976 by Father Pete W 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- Jerry J. & Joe H. Alcoholics Anonymous International Convention Seattle 1990 by Jerry J 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Young People’s Conference – saturday main meeting by Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Ed M. (Davenport, IA) – Fellowship of the Spirit Conference; Queens, NY; 20060806 by Ed M 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Barry L. from New York, NY speaking at the GayLesbian convention in Minneapolis, MN – June 29th 1985 author of Living Sober by Barry L 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Joe C. – ‘The Big Meeting’; 27th SENY Convention; Tarrytown, NY; 19900407 by Joe C 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- Searcy W. Evelyn K. Lucille I. Gathering of Eagles Conference Dallas TX. 2 of 2 by Searcy W 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- June G, Kentucky State Conv.-2-20-99 by June G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- June G, Hollywood, Florida 1989 at 33rd. Florida State Convention, Hollywood FL. 1989 Part 1 by June G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- June G from LA.at 50th. Florida State Conv. Palm Harbor, Aug. 2006 by June G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- June G ,from Los Angeles CA. at 42nd. FL.State Conv. Naples FL.1998 by June G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Marty J at 51st. Florida State Conv. Orlando 8-11-07 by Marty J 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Jack S. 34th. Florida State Convention,Daytona Beach 1990 by Jack S 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- John McHugh 1980_07-00 45th International Convention New Orleans La DOS 1945)12-27 by 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Johnnie Hilliard – Kick-off Meeting, 1st annual State Wide H+I Conference by 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Tom Powers Sr. of Hankins NY at SC conv Myrtle Beach 4-1966 DOS 1941 by 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- David A. from Dallas TX Speaking at The 30th Annual AA Convention in Oklahoma 1971 by AA Doctors 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Dr Garrett O at Costa Brave Conv.Spain 2004 by AA Doctors 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Dr Tom M. 1987 PNW Conf Ptld by AA Doctors 1 Votes | 4 Stars
- Dr. Garrett O. from Beverley Hills CA. at Costa Brave Conv. 2005 Disc 1 by AA Doctors 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- Liz B 45th. Annual HMB Area Conv. Sarasota Springs NY. Oct. 28th. 1995 by Liz B 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- Father Roy D. (Syracuse, NY) – 25th New York State Convention – Bingamton, NY 19910707 by AA Clergy 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- Fr Hilary D , NCCAA Conf. Monterey CA. 1994-05-00 by AA Clergy 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Fr Hilary D , Santa Rosa ,30th. NCCAA Conf. 1977-10-22 by AA Clergy 1 Votes | 1 Stars
- Fr. Jim , at NW. MI. Conf. May 1988 by AA Clergy 1 Votes | 4 Stars
- Fr. Kurt , from Racine WI. at 35th. Fall Conf. Wisconsin ,Oct.86 by AA Clergy 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- Polly P. Birch Way WA. , Step 4 , Fear & Sex , 18TH. Spring Conf. Cocoa Beach FL. 2008 by Polly P 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Polly P. , Cypress CA at 33rd. Southern NJ. Conv by Polly P 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Polly P., from CA. at 1st.Missouri State Conv. St.Louis MO. 1987 by Polly P 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Polly P., from Fountain Valley CA. at 11th. Hilton Head Island Conf. SC. 1991 by Polly P 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Patti O. (Laguna Niguel, CA) – Colorado State Convention; Denver, CO; 2001 by Patti O 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Patti O. from Laguna Niguel, CA speaking at the 46th Tri-State Convention in Mt. Vernon, IL – November 4th 2006 by Patti O 1 Votes | 2 Stars
- Patti O. from Laguna Niguel, CA speaking at the 60th annual Texas State AA Convention in Dallas, TX – August 21st 2005 by Patti O 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Patty O of Mission Viejo CA Oct 3 1992 12th Rochester AA Convention New York by Patti O 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Angie P. from Cincinnati OH .at 52nd. Florida State Conv. Fort Lauderdale , 2008 by Angie P 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Jack C.- 30th Rhode Island State AA Convention Newport RI 2006 by Jack C 1 Votes | 4 Stars
- Johnnie H. (Long Beach CA) -1st Singleness of Purpose Conference – WashingtonDC 1997 by Johnnie H 1 Votes | 1 Stars
- Johnnie H. from Long Beach CA – 2001 Canyon Conference in Hinton OK by Johnnie H 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Johnnie H. from Long Beach CA – 1996 Canyon Conference in Hinton OK by Johnnie H 1 Votes | 4 Stars
- Johnny H. 34th. N.CA. H & I Conference 2005-04-23 by Johnnie H 1 Votes | 1 Stars
- Johnny H. 51st. Spring Conf. Monterey CA. 1998-03-13 by Johnnie H 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Jay S. speaking at the 16th annual Thailand Roundup in Pattaya, Thailand – February 26th 2011 by Jay S 1 Votes | 1 Stars
- Jay S. (Redondo Beach, CA) – The Akron Miracle; ‘The 3rd Unity Day Conference’; Indianapolis, IN; 2008 by Jay S 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Karen G. (VeniceCA) – ‘Sponsorship Conference’; Seattle WA; 2000 by Karen G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Karen G. at 56th. FL.State Conv. Palm Harbor Aug.2012 by Karen G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Larry T. (LakewoodCA) – ‘1st Annual Greater Cleveland Conference’; RitchfieldO H; 2005 by Larry T 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- keith D. 23rd annual h and i conference modesto ca 4 21 95 dos 5 11 76 by Keith D 1 Votes | 2 Stars
- Ken D. NCCAA 55th Spring Conf. 2002-03-30 by Ken D 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Sean A. from Vancouver BC. at Idaho Spring Conf. Boise ID. 5-19-89 by Sean A 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Tom I. Miami Valley Winter Conf. 2003 by Tom I 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Tom I. from AberdeenNC speaking at the 60th annual Texas State AA Convention in DallasTX – August 20th 2005 by Tom I 1 Votes | 4 Stars
- Beth G. 3rd ann concho valley conf san antonio tx 5 25 90 dos 9 5 1972 by Beth G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Bart R. from Sedona, AZ speaking at the 10th Annual AZ Area Corrections Conference in Tucson, AZ – 2010 by Bart R 1 Votes | 2 Stars
- Bill S from Rosewell GA at 14th. Mid Winter Conf. Hilton Head SC. 1994 by Bill S 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Cecil C from Prince Albert Saskatchewan at 51st. NCCAA Spring Conf. Monterey CA. 3-14-98 by Cecil C 1 Votes | 2 Stars
- Clancy I. (Venice CA) ‘Mountain High Conference’; Twin Peaks CA; 19900323 by Clancy I 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Cora Louise Belford from Leland MS. at 3rd. Unity Conf. .DOS 1957, 1999-12-22 by Cora Louise B. 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Keith L. speaking at the 34th Midwinter Conference in MidlandTX – January 16th-18th 2004 by Keith L 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Keith L. 2002 04-27 21st H&I Conf Irvine CA by Keith L 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- Bernard C Woodstock GA 1992 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Bill C. Step 1 & 2 at Woodstock of AA May 2012 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Dick A. Steps 8 & 9 at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Joe W from Woodstock IL speaking at the Crystal Lake Alano Club in Crystal Lake IL – February 21st 2009 by Woodstock of AA Conferences 1 Votes | 3 Stars
- Polly P from Jacksonville FL. on Step 3 at Woodstock of AA 22nd. Spring Conf. May 2012 – Inspiring! by Woodstock of AA Conferences 1 Votes | 5 Stars
- Old Timers Panel 13th Annual Fundamentals Festival Burlington NC 1997 by AA Fundamentals Festival - 1997 1 Votes | 4 Stars
- Paula M (Al Anon) 13th Annual Fundamentals Festival Burlington NC 1997 by AA Fundamentals Festival - 1997 1 Votes | 4 Stars
Unrated AA Conference Tapes
- Oldtimers Big Meeting -
- Dennis N 13th Annual Fundamentals Festival Burlington NC 1997 - AA Fundamentals Festival - 1997
- Dick W 13th Annual Fundamentals Festival Burlington NC 1997 - AA Fundamentals Festival - 1997
- holly martin summer conference redding ca 6 17 78 dos 1954 - Holly M
- Mitchell K from Warwick, NY (Area 48) Speaking at The Fellowship Of The Spirit Conference New York August 4, 2007 - Primary Purpose Group - Lynbrook, NY
- Patti O. Mission Viejo, CA at 36th. Florida State Convention, West Palm Beach ,FL.July 1992 - Patti O
- 49th Florida State Convention, Daytona 2005 - Scott L
- 22nd Annual Canyon Conference in Hinton, OK on (06-04-2004) - Sterling H
- 11th. Georgia Ste Conv. Augusta GA. Sept. 1964 - Chuck C
- Texas State Convention in San Antonio TX – June 28th 1963 - Chuck C
- 15th. ICYPAA Conv. Los Angeles 1977-02-16 - Chuck C
- The Twelve Steps at the Arkansas State Convention - Chris S
- ‘Road to Recovery Convention’ Reykjavik Iceland; 2001 - Mickey B
- Steps 10 & 11, 52nd. Florida State Conv. Fort Lauderdale , 2008 - Chris S
- 2003 06-06 at Canyon Conferance - Sharon B
- Beartooth Mountain Conf. Billings MT. 2004 - Sharon B
- 14th Annual Mouth of the Brazos Conference in Lake Jackson TX – May 15th 2009 - Blind Dave A
- Tennessee State Convention; 20010921 - Don M
- Jerry J , at Tri-State Convention. Shreveport, LA. Nov,1985 - Jerry J
- Jerry J at Sponsorship Conference. Seattle WA. 1998 - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Jack D from Pittsburg PA. at 44th. Delaware Conv. May 2004 - Jack D
- John S. from Billings, MT – Sunlight Of The Spirit Conference in Fairmont, MN on (04-01-2001) - John S
- Cliff W. , NCCAA Fall Conference 1963 10 20 -
- David B. 11th annual Alberta Conference February 27th 1965 dos 1944 -
- Sue A of South Bend on the 11th Step at 3rd Chicago Intergrp conv 3-27-63 -
- cliff walker gen serv nccaa conf stockton ca 6 10 72 -
- Bob P 7th Crested Butte Mountain Conference 8-9-90 - Bob P
- Keith D Greater Cleveland Conference, Cleveland Ohio Sept2009 - Dog on the Roof Group
- Lew F from Vancouver – Shared Feelings Conference – 1987 - Dog on the Roof Group
- Judge Dick H – NCCAA Spring Conference1966 Sacramento CA DOS 1952 - Attorneys & Judges
- Jack S. at 40th. Tennessee Conv. 1991 - Jack S
- Eve Marsh , from Ft.Lauderdale FL. , at 2000 International Conv. -
- David A. – ‘SENY 25th Convention’; Binghampton NY; 19910706 - AA Doctors
- David A. – 12 step study at Memphis Bluff City fellowship convention – 1997 2 - AA Doctors
- David A at 17th. NW FL & ALA. State Conv. 1972 - AA Doctors
- David A at Skyline Conf. Salt Lake City Utah 1995 - AA Doctors
- Dr Jackson N. AA 6th. State Conference - AA Doctors
- Dr O – A Medical View on Alcoholism (Costa Brava Convention 2004) - AA Doctors
- Dr. David S from Brighton MI. at 30th. SE.Conf.Louisville KY.8-9-74 - AA Doctors
- Dr. Jim W at South Carolina State Conv. no date - AA Doctors
- Dr. Alex K Drs Conv Greensboro Hotel Springs W VA 1963 - AA Doctors
- Earl M. at Georgia State Conv. 1963 - AA Doctors
- Liz B. (Queens, NY) – ’37th Annual TN State Convention’; Nashville, TN; - Liz B
- Liz B 50th. Florida State Conv. Palm Harbor, Aug. 2006 - Liz B
- Liz B at 1st. Ann. Greater Cleveland Conf. Richfield oh. Oct.2005 - Liz B
- Liz B 42nd. Georgia State Conv. Albany GA. 1995 - Liz B
- Liz B at 56th. FL.State Conv. Palm Harbour , Aug.2012 - Liz B
- Fr. Joseph M. from Havre De Grace, MD at The 33rd Tri-State Convention in Jasper, IN 1993 - AA Clergy
- Fr. Leo B, from Long Beach CA. at 39th. ConnecticutConv. 1997 - AA Clergy
- Geraldine D. from Blairstown NJ. at 52nd. Founders - Geraldine D
- Gary B Arkansas State Conv , 8 1990 (DOS 12 3 1964) - Gary B
- Harold G. (New York, NY) – ’40th VA State Convention’; Roanoke, VA; 1989 - Harold G
- Peter D.in Woodstock Ont. 94 A Gift of Love - Woodstock of AA Conferences
- Polly P. Her Story at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 - Woodstock of AA Conferences
- Polly P. Steps 5-6-7 at Woodstock of AA Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 - Woodstock of AA Conferences
- Young People’s Conference – Happy, Joyous, and Gay - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – altruism 12 step workshop - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – controversial issues in aa - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – how to get it on in aa - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – i was once anti ypaa - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – into action , hispanic speakers - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – medicine psychiatry and religion - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – Old Timers Panel - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – Proud to be Me - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – Shit Happens!! - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – special interest groups in aa - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – walking through pain in sobriety - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – general service - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Young People’s Conference – a case of the jitters that was well worth it - Young People in AA Conference - Las Vegas 2012
- Clancy I. (Venice CA) Cajun Country Convention Lafayette LA; 2000 - Clancy I
- Clancy I. Venice CA. Steps 1 2 3 18TH. Spring Conf. Cocoa Beach FL. 2008 - Clancy I
- Clancy I. from Venice CA 2000 Cajun Country Convention in Lafayette LA - Clancy I
- Keith L. (OcalaFL) – ‘The Mid-Winter Conference’; Hilton HeadSC; 2007 - Keith L
- Keith L. speaking at 25th Brazos Riverside Conference – October 19th 2002 - Keith L
- Tom I.Aberdeen NC – AA – Miami Valley Winter Conference – 2003 - Tom I
- Tom I. (Southern PinesNC) – ‘Area 45 Connections Conference’; SewellNJ; 20020921 - Tom I
- Johnnie H. from Los AngelesCA speaking at The Promises and Service 2 day convention in StockholmSweden – May 28th 2004 - Johnnie H
- Johnnie H. Ohio State Conference 1985 - Johnnie H
- Johnny H 1990 03-17 Fresno ca N CA H&I Conf 30y - Johnnie H
- Johnny H. NCCAA Spring Conf. Monterey CA. 1992-03-28 - Johnnie H
- Johnny H. from Lakewood CA.at 36th. Michigan State Conf. Aug.1988 - Johnnie H
- ESH – Convention Talk - Jim W
- ES & H in 2005 - Ed M
- Fr. Bill W , at 34th. Arizona Conf. Yuma Arizona , 10-7-1984 - AA Clergy
- Fr. Hilary D at 1985 Fellowship Hall Spring Conf.Macon GA - AA Clergy
- Keith D. at 35th. Georgia State Convention 1988 - Keith D
- keith d 5th ann tx bluebonnet harvest conf irving tx 9 29 95 dos 5 11 76 - Keith D
- Bobby C. (PhiladelphiaPA) – Missouri State Convention; 2007 07 06 - Bobby C
- Robin L. Serenity Weekend Conf.Cocoa Beach FL. 9-24-08 - Central Orlando Sat. Night Speakers
- Bill S. NCCAA 52nd. Annual Fall Conf. 1999 10 02 - Bill S
- Cecil C from Prince Albert Saskatchewan at Ontario Conf. March 1976 - Cecil C
- Charley P. from Maysville AR. at 36th. South WI. Conf. Oct. 1987 - Charley P
- Charley P. at 6th. Mid Winter Conf. Oklahoma City 1998 - Charley P
Tape Summaries/Comments